Tour Guide Doesn’t Cover It: The Nuance of Travel in Israel: Industry Night, March 16, 2023
Over the summer I had the good fortune to be a part of an amazing group of food, wine & hospitality leaders who were tasked with opening our minds and baring our souls - personally & professionally - on a 24/7 non-stop/action-packed journey to Israel, aka Reality Israel. I learned so much about the complexities of the region and the importance of food culture. I walked away with more questions than answers and I was also given the incredible gift of family. Waxing poetic about the trip aside — it would have never been the kind of experience without the incredible leadership of Michael Bauer. He is a professional educator and tour guide. As a field educator with over 25 years of experience, Michael has led adventure tours around Israel, Jordan, the Sinai desert, and Turkey. Michael has guided and taught Senators and Parliament members from different countries, Military Intelligence Units, Celebrities from the entertainment industry — ahem, and me! He is also the author of “Israel Journey - Eight Days In One Of The World’s Most Complex Countries”. I’m so thrilled to be reunited with Michael today.
“The conflict is primarily a story about psychology and the preservation of identity” - Michael
“Telling personal stories and exploring emotions is an effective way to learn about the Middle East, as opposed to only learning through statistics and text” - Michael
Listen to the full episode here.
Watch the full episode here.
Our Guest:
Michael Bauer