Braiding Sweetgrass with kids: A Conversation with Monique Gray Smith - Online
November 09,2022 –
November 09,2022
Monique Gray Smith is Cree, Lakota, and Scottish, and for the past decade, she has been writing books for young people that foreground Indigenous communities and knowledge, including a shared respect for and relationship to all beings. While her approach is celebratory and empowering, she doesn't shy away from the realities of hard history and ongoing trauma. She brings that all to her Braiding Sweetgrass adaptation, and promises to bring all that and more to this Talking Race & Kids conversation as well. Join this virtual conversation to learn more about her children's adaptation of Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. This event is free to the public; register here. the discussion will begin at 8:30 p.m.