Dulles Day Festival & Plane Pull
Aviation Drive and Autopilot Drive, Sterling, VA
The 2024 Dulles Day Plane Pull® is both an intense competition and a lively festival! While the plane pull is the main event, the festival features a variety of activities and entertainment, including food vendors, live music, and games for all ages. If you’re ready to prove you’ve got what it takes to win the 2024 Dulles Plane Pull competition, presented by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority and United Airlines, register your team of at least 25 people who can raise $2,500 as a team to qualify for entry. Awards will be handed out for fastest pull, heaviest team, most money raised, and more! *The Plane Pull is open to registered teams only. But you can also attend the Dulles Day Festival to watch the Pull! Learn more here. 10:30 a.m.