MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Homebrewing with DC Brau Scientist Dr. James Shellhammer
June 06,2022 –
June 06,2022
Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington DC
921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington DC
Join DC Brau's fermentation guru Dr. James Shellhammer in this immersive, three-part homebrewing crash course. You will begin the day with a short seminar on the history of beer styles and brewing concepts, move on to a brewing demo of an American IPA, and end with a comparative tasting of the homebrew and its commercial counterpart.
Dr. Shellhammer is a bewer and the QA/QC Scientist at DC Brau Brewing Company. He began homebrew in 2013 during his graduate studies, spent two years living in Dublin, Ireland perfecting the craft, and has traveled Europe experiencing different beer cultures and learning about beer history.
Tickets for the seminar are $65 per person, and can be reserved here. The event will run from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Dr. Shellhammer is a bewer and the QA/QC Scientist at DC Brau Brewing Company. He began homebrew in 2013 during his graduate studies, spent two years living in Dublin, Ireland perfecting the craft, and has traveled Europe experiencing different beer cultures and learning about beer history.
Tickets for the seminar are $65 per person, and can be reserved here. The event will run from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.