Staying Close to Home: A Live Online Tasting Tour of VA Wineries with Kasia White
While you can’t go out for a day of tasting, you can join Capital Wine School for a virtual tasting tour of Northern Virginia wineries. Enjoy “visiting” some great local wineries and tasting their phenomenal wines, including eight wines from Stone Tower, Sunset Hills, Chrysalis, Pearmund Cellars, Zephaniah, Walsh Family Wines, Lost Creek, and 868 Winery (Winner of the 2020 Virginia Governor’s Cup Wine Competition). Each registration includes an invitation to the virtual tasting tour and a tasting kit with eight 2 oz samples of each wine. The wines must be picked up curbside on Wednesday, May 6th between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Capital Wine School or at Stone Tower Winery. All wines featured may also be purchased directly from the wineries, and details for purchase will be provided during the tasting. Registration deadline is April 28th. $65 per tasting kit. 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. 5207 Wisconsin Avenue NW; 19925 Hogback Mountain Road, Leesburg, VA. For more information and to register, please click here.