The Sensory Supper at Brasserie Beck

September 14,2022 – September 14,2022 all-day
Brasserie Beck
1101 K Street NW, Washington DC
The Sensory Supper is an exclusive and unique two-part event that will delight all your senses. Part One includes a sensory tasting led by Master of Wine, Mollie Battenhouse, that will guide you along a tasting of sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami experiences. Part Two will continue on with a dining experience presented by Chef de Cuisine Brian McBride and Mollie Battenhouse, that is a creation of sumptous pairings of culinary delights and coveted wines. The evening is priced at $125 per person, exlcuding tax and grautity, make your reservation here. Part one of the experience will begin at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will conclude at 9:30 p.m.