Free Christmas Meals For Seniors Struggling With Food Insecurity
Devlieries Decemeber 21st to 24th
As the pandemic rages on, Medium Rare restaurants co-owner Mark Bucher launches his latest effort to feed seniors struggling with food insecurity. After delivering almost three thousand turkey dinners during Thanksgiving, Bucher expects to serve another three thousand meals for Christmas to those who otherwise would not be able to celebrate. The Christmas meal will include chicken cordon bleu, mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, and apple pie. In addition, six hundred personal hygiene kits packed with basic living necessities including toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and aspirin will be delivered. Holiday cards handmade by area students will also be included. The Washington Nationals are also helping, with plans to deliver two hundred and fifty meals to a Washington, D.C. run Warming Station on Christmas Day. Deliveries will be made Monday, December 21st through Thursday, December 24th. Anyone looking to request a meal for themselves or someone in need can contact Bucher at [email protected].