Patio Perfection: The List's List of Al Fresco Dining (2024 Edition)
Summer is in full swing, and we’re all about that outdoor dining life! Whether you're looking to soak up the sun or find a shady retreat, the DMV area is brimming with fantastic patios. From trendy new spots to classic favorites, we've got the scoop on the best places to enjoy your meals al fresco. Don't forget to check out our Up On The Roof roundup for the ultimate rooftop experiences!
*NEW* 600T: 600 T Street NW; 600tdc.com
Al Dente: Dog friendly; 3201 New Mexico Avenue NW; aldentedc.com
*NEW* Alfreda: 2016 P Street NW; alfredadc.com
All Purpose: 79 Potomac Avenue SE; allpurposedc.com
All Set: Dog friendly; 8630 Fenton Street, Silver Spring; allsetrestaurant.com
*NEW* Alta Strada: multiple locations; altastradarestaurant.com
*NEW* Anju: 1805 18th Street NW; anjurestaurant.com
Apéro: 2622 P St NW; aperodc.com
Art & Soul: Dog friendly; 415 New Jersey Avenue NW; artandsouldc.com
Astro Beer Hall: Dog friendly; 4001 Campbell Avenue, Arlington; astrobeerhall.com
Bastille: 606 N. Fayette Street, Alexandria; bastillerestaurant.com
*NEW* Bistro du Jour: 99 District Square SW; bistro-dujour.com
Blue Duck Tavern: 1201 24th Street NW; blueducktavern.com
Bourbon Steak: 2800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; bourbonsteakdc.com
Brasserie Liberte: Dog friendly; 3251 Prospect Street NW; libertedc.com
Bronze: 1245 H Street NE; bronzedc.com
Café Riggs: 900 F Street NW; riggsdc.com
Calico: 50 Blagden Alley NW; calicodc.com
Centrolina: 974 10th Street NW; centrolinadc.com
Chaplin's: 1501 9th Street NW; chaplinsdc.com
Cheesetique: 2411 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria; cheesetique.com
The Commentary: Dog friendly; 801 N. Glebe Road, Arlington; thecommentaryarl.com
Convivial: 801 O Street NW; convivialdc.com
Cork: Dog friendly; 1805 14th Street NW; corkdc.com
*NEW* Crooked Run Fermentation: 22455 Davis Dr #120, Sterling, VA; crookedrunfermentation.com
Dacha: Dog friendly; Shaw & Navy Yard; dachadc.com
Dauphine's: 1100 15th Street NW; dauphinesdc.com
Del Mar: 791 Wharf Street SW; delmardc.com
dLeña: 476 K Street NW; dlenadc.com
Electric Cool-Aid: Dog friendly; 512 Rhode Island Avenue NW; electriccool-aid.com
Fairmont Courtyard Bar: Dog friendly; 2401 M Street NW; fairmont.com/washington
Fiola Mare: 3100 K Street NW; fiolamaredc.com
The Fountain Inn: Dog friendly; 1659 Wisconsin Avenue NW; fountaininndc.com
Hell's Kitchen: 652 Wharf Street SW; gordonramsayrestaurants.com
*NEW* Heurich House: 1307 New Hampshire Avenue NW; heurichhouse.org
Hook Hall: 3400 Georgia Avenue NW; hookhall.com
*NEW* Immigrant Food: multiple locations; immigrantfood.com
Iron Gate: 1734 N Street NW; irongaterestaurantdc.com
*NEW* J&J Pizza: 550 Morse Street NE, Suite #120; jandjpizzadmv.com
Joon: 8045 Leesburg Pike, Vienna; eatjoon.com
Joy by Seven Reasons: Dog friendly; 5471 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase; sevenreasonsgroup.com
King Street Oyster Bar: Leesburg, Middleburg, NoMa, City Ridge, Potomac; kingstreetoysterbar.com
Lapis: 1847 Columbia Road NW; lapisdc.com
Le Clou: 222 M Street NE; lecloudc.com
Le Diplomate: 1601 14th Street NW; lediplomatedc.com
Lulu’s Wine Garden: 1940 11th Street NW; luluswinegarden.com
Lupo Marino: 40 Pearl Street SW; lupomarinodc.com
Lupo Verde: 1401 T Street NW; lupoverdedc.com
Maiz.64: 1324 14th Street NW; maiz64.com
Maker's Union: Cathedral Commons; makersunionpub.com/cathedral-commons
Maketto: 1351 H Street NE; maketto1351.com
Masseria: 1340 4th Street NE; masseria-dc.com
matchbox: Dog friendly; Locations vary; matchboxrestaurants.com
Maxwell Park: 1336 9th Street NW; maxwellparkdc.com
MGM National Harbor: 101 MGM National Avenue, Oxon Hill, MD; mgmnationalharbor.com
Midlands: Dog friendly; 3333 Georgia Avenue NW; midlandsdc.com
Milk & Honey: Bowie, College Park, Fairfix; milknhoneycafe.com
*NEW* MI CASA: 1647 20th Street NW; micasa-mexico.com
Mi Vida: 98 District Square SW; mividamexico.com
*NEW* MXDC Cocina Mexicana: 1610 14th Street NW; mxdcrestaurant.com
Nina May Patio Pop Up: 1337 11th Street NW; ninamaydc.com
Nobu: 2525 M Street NW; noburestaurants.com
Old Town Pour House: 212 Ellington Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD; oldtownpourhouse.com
Omateo: 1640 Capital One Drive, Tysons; ometeotexmex.com
*NEW* Opal: 5534 Connecticut Avenue NW; opal-dc.com
Opaline Bar & Brasserie: Dog friendly; 806 15th Street NW; opalinedc.com
Ottoman Taverna: Dog friendly; 425 I Street NW; ottomantaverna.com
Pascual: 732 Maryland Avenue NE; pascualdc.com
Perry's: 1811 Columbia Road NW; perrysam.com
Petite Cerise: 1027 7th Street NW; petitecerisedc.com
Philippe Chow: 653 Wharf Street SW; philippechow.com
*NEW* Piccolina da Centrolina: 963 Palmer Alley NW; piccolinadc.com
The Point: 2100 2nd Street SW; thepointdc.com
Pop Fizz Bar: 2108 Vermont Avenue NW; popfizzdc.com
*NEW* Primrose: 3000 12th St NE; primrosedc.com
*NEW* Prost: 919 5th Street NW; prostdc.com
*NEW* Pupatella: 1801 18th St NW; pupatella.com
Q Street at Hank’s Oyster Bar: 1624 Q Street NW; hanksoysterbar.com/dupont-circle
*NEW* Residents DC: 1306 18th Street NW; residentsdc.com
The Royal: 501 Florida Avenue NW; theroyaldc.com
The Rub Chicken & Beer: 801 King Street, Alexandria, VA; cluckinhot.com
The Salt Line: 79 Potomac Avenue SE; 4040 Wilson Boulevard; thesaltline.com
Seamore's: 2815 Clarendon Blvd, Arlington, VA; seamores.com
Sfoglina: Downtown DC; Rosslyn, VA; Van Ness Street NW; sfoglinapasta.com
*NEW* Shaw’s Tavern: 520 Florida Avenue NW; shawstavern.com
Shilling Canning Co.: 360 Water Street SE; shillingcanning.com
St Anselm: 1250 5th Street NE; stanselmdc.com
Steak Frites DC: 1324 H Street NE; stabledc.com
Stellina: 508 K Street NW; stellinapizzeria.com
*NEW* Supra: 1205 11th Street NW; supradc.com
Taco Bamba: Some dog friendly; Locations vary; tacobamba.com
Taberna del Alabardero: 1776 I Street NW; alabardero.com
*NEW* The Dabney: 122 Blagden Alley NW; thedabney.com
THRōW Social D.C.: 1401 Okie Street NE: throwsocial.com
Tony & Joe’s: 3000 K Street NW; tonyandjoes.com
Unconventional Diner: Dog friendly; 1207 Ninth Street NW; unconventionaldiner.com
*NEW* Villa Yara: 2815 M Street NW; villayaradc.com
Zeppelin: Dog friendly; 1544 9th Street NW; zeppelindc.com