The Wine of Summer: Rosé
National Rosé Day may be over, but we’ll raise a glass of this pink drink all summer long. This beloved beverage, known for its versatility and refreshing taste, has become a staple of summer sipping, inspiring the famous mantra "Rosé All Day." There are so many hot spots in the DC Metro Area where you can sit back and raise a glass to this favorite wine.
Apéro: aperodc.com
Barrel Oak Winery: barreloak.com
Brasserie Liberte: libertedc.com
Cheesetique: cheesetique.com
Cork Wine Bar: corkdc.com
Era Wine Bar: erawinebar.com
Fiola Mare: fiolamaredc.com
Le Diplomate: lediplomatedc.com
Lena's: lenaswoodfire.com
Little Blackbird: littleblackbirddc.com
Lulu's Wine Garden: luluswinegarden.com
Lutèce: lutecedc.com
Maxwell Park: maxwellparkdc.com
Patty O's: pattyoscafe.com
Planet Wine: planetwineshop.com
The Point: thepointdc.com
Pop Fizz Bar: popfizzdc.com
Primrose: primrosedc.com
Sixty Vines: sixtyvines.com
St Vincent: stvincentwine.com
Urban Grape: dc.theurbangrape.shop